Christian Winzeler
Partner, attorney-at-law

Christian Winzeler


Christian Winzeler works as a litigation and advisory lawyer in the fields of inheritance law and estate planning, old age provision, tenancy law (from the point of view of landlords), real estate law, corporate and contract law and guardianship law.
T +41 44 252 60 40

Dominic Steffen
Partner, attorney-at-law, certified specialist SBA employment law

Dominic Steffen


Dominic Steffen works as a litigation and advisory lawyer in the fields of labour law, litigation, laws dealing with rights of settlement, posting of workers and residence rights, corporate and contract law, privacy law and social security law.
T +41 44 252 60 10

Rahel S. Messmer Winzeler
Partner, lic. iur., MLaw*

Rahel Messmer Winzeler


Rahel Messmer Winzeler works as a lawyer and systemic coach.

Areas of expertise:

- conflict and crisis coaching
- conflict advisory
- communication coaching in conflicts
- stress and resilience coaching

*not admitted to the bar.
T +41 44 252 60 30

Daniela Hofmann, BLaw UZH
Legal Assistant



Daniela Hofmann joined Winzeler Steffen Attorneys at Law in August 2023 as a legal assistant and is currently completing her Master's degree in law at the University of Zurich.
As a trained clerk in the notary's office (Canton Aargau), her area of interest is predominantly private law.
T +41 44 570 60 00

Joana Marsiaj
Legal Assistant



Joana Marsiaj joined Winzeler Steffen Attorneys at Law as a legal assistant in October 2021. She is completing her Bachelor's degree in Applied Law at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
T +41 44 570 60 00

Sina Kälin, BLaw UZH
Legal Assistant



Sina Kälin joined Winzeler Steffen Attorneys at Law in Septmber 2023 as a legal assistant and is studying law at the University of Zurich. Her main areas of interest are inheritance law, employment law, contract law and social security law.
T +41 44 570 60 00